The live price of Juicy Lucy is N/A today with a current circulating market cap of N/A. The on-chain marketcap of Juicy Lucy is N/A. Juicy Lucy's 24-hour trading volume is N/A. JLU to USD price is updated in real-time. Juicy Lucy is N/A in the last 24 hours.
When was Juicy Lucy created on Near Protocol?
The Juicy Lucy contract was created on Near Protocol at Nov-26-2024 19:53:13 by through this . Since the creation of Juicy Lucy, there has been 1,104 on-chain transfers.
How many Juicy Lucy tokens are there?
There are currently 0 JLU in circulation for a total supply of 1,000,000,000 JLU. JLU's supply is split between 87 different wallet addresses.